Saturday, November 1, 2008

Documentation for October 31st

Well, this week I'm not really sure what to document about. Nobody else seems to know either, so this should be interesting.

This week has gone by so fast! First on Monday we had FHE Pumpkin Carving (let's just add that post on as part of this week's documentation)
Then, on Tuesday I finished my second draft of my Rhetorical Analysis for English 150. It will be the second paper I write for that class, and is supposedly the hardest. I havn't had much trouble with it, and I hope that means that I am doing well. I have a consultation with my English teacher on Tuesday of next week, so I should find out then. We are required to go to the Writing Center in the JKB for all our papers except for the last one so that we have experience with it and get to decide wether we like it or not. I think it is most helpful as a final revision, last time they helped me a lot by going through and tying up all the loose ends. It must have worked well becuase I got a 98/100!
I think I'm going to take another writing class next semester, my teacher seems to think I have a knack for it, and I am really growing to enjoy it.
As for my other classes, not much is new. In my Humanities class we have moved into the Art History unit. Right now we are focusing on the predominantly Christian works of the Middle Ages. Anthropology also, never ceases to impress and interest me. We are now reading a antropological study written by my professor called The Place of Stunted Ironwood Trees.
With all that I'm trying my best to live up to the expectations of a Disciple Scholar. One place where I think I have improved most significantly is in accepting correction. Especially with my student teacher consultations and visits to the writing center, I am finding that it is nothing to be afraid of.
Well, until next time... I hope this was moderately interesting!

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